A Week of News & Buckets of Gratitude!

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You are all the sunshine in my day!

Hey my lovelies! I’ve been a bit of a WordPress slacker this week, so I’m sorry for taking so long to respond to your lovely comments and catch up on all your wonderful posts!

Three things have happened this week which have contributed to my AWOL-ness (hey, it’s a word. Shush.), so I thought I’d share them with you here. This is a pretty random post but I just want to give an explanation so you don’t think I’ve been ignoring you! There’s someone I’d like to personally thank at the end of this post, so be sure to check that out. Continue reading

Dragon’s Loyalty Award

dragons-loyalty-award1Hello my dears!

My thanks once again go to the ever delightful QuirkyVictorian for this award, and I’m sorry it took me this long to respond to your nomination! Go and check out Chloe’s blog if you haven’t – I promise you won’t regret it. She is 100% included in my most loyal commentors, but as she has already participated the award I will leave her off my list of nominees. You are heart-nominated Chloe! (I’m making heart nominations a thing. Heart-nomming is so in this season).

Wait, that sounds like eating a heart. Maybe not heart-nomming. You know what I meeeeeean! ANYWAY. Let’s move on. Continue reading

An Anecdotal Apology


Even this snail is appalled by my slowness.

My dearest dears. I owe so many of you an apology, because I have just been reading through all of my posts (modest, I know), and realised how many comments I haven’t replied to. I am so mad at myself and I feel so ungrateful, considering that you’ve taken the time from your day to comment on my waffling! I have called this post “anecdotal apology” because I do soooort of have a reason for this… not an excuse, just an amusing habit of mine that I thought I would share in the hope it makes you hate me a bit less. Continue reading

What’s Your Personality Type?


In the picture above we see Annie displaying the very rare BGPLMTSITGFBIP personality type (“Be gone, peasant. Leave me to sit in this glorious fruit bowl in peace”). This is the most feared and respected of all personality types.

Hey guys! I have a random activity for you to do today if you feel so inclined!

I’ve just taken the 16 Personalities Test  (also known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), which is probably the most popular test to determine what kind of person you are. Continue reading

Laughing Disease: An Anecdote


Super fashionable me as a toddler, before laughing disease took over.

Hey guys! I haven’t yet participated in the Daily Prompt exercise, but today’s prompt – “Giggle” – brought back such a vivid memory that I just felt like sharing it. Hope you enjoy this little snippet from my childhood 🙂

When I was a little girl, I diagnosed myself with “laughing disease”. At least three times a day, I would suddenly become seized by a vicious attack of the giggles, rendering me a useless, wobbling heap on the floor as my body shook with silent laughter. Continue reading

Liebster Award!


Thank you so much darkdelilah for the nomination, and I’m sorry it took me this long to participate! DarkDelilah writes beautifully about mental health, so head on over and check out her blog 🙂 The purpose of this award is to discover new blogs and get to know each  other better. Continue reading

A Small Monday Cyber-Hug: Episode 2

Hope you’re all having a cracker of a day wherever in the world you may be! Here in New Zealand it’s 10pm and I thought I’d share a couple of things that make me smile before I get ready for bed. (Because I totally go to bed at the nice sensible hour of 10pm. Yup. I definitely don’t muck around on the internet until 3am or anything like that. And I’ve certainly never had a solo dance party to “Don’t Stop Me Now” at four o clock in the morning. I’m a responsible adult). Continue reading

4 Fact Survey

Thanks so much for the tag Chloe! (QuirkyVictorian) 🙂 So I gather this is another way of connecting with other bloggers and learning a bit more about each other. Sounds good to me!

Four names people call me other than my real name:

  1. Fran: This is reallllly not my favourite name, but it’s the go-to abbreviation for people who don’t know that.
  2. Frankenstein: My charming brother.
  3. Frannigans (and her shenanigans): You have to say the whole thing apparently, just the name won’t do. Bestowed upon me by my barista buddies at an old café job.
  4. Friend-Jessica: A valiant and adorable attempt to pronounce “Francesca”, made by most of the children I have babysat/worked with. Close enough right!

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