Liebster Award!


Thank you so much darkdelilah for the nomination, and I’m sorry it took me this long to participate! DarkDelilah writes beautifully about mental health, so head on over and check out her blog 🙂 The purpose of this award is to discover new blogs and get to know each  other better.

The rules are:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you

2. Display the award on your blog

3. Answer a set of 11 questions provided from the blogger that you were nominated by

4. Nominate 11 bloggers, each with under 200 followers

5. Create your own set of questions for your nominations to answer

Here are my answers to DarkDelilah’s questions…

1. Tell me something that I don’t already know about you.

I play the trumpet.

2. What do you consider your biggest achievement so far?

Hmm, I would have to say completing my university degree despite major mental health obstacles. It was extremely difficult and I thought I would never get there, but I did

3. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

I don’t think I could ever leave New Zealand for good, but I recently spent some time in Copenhagen and I would love to live there for a while. Apparently the Danes are the happiest people in the world so I’d love to spend time living the way they do! Plus how could you not want to live in one of these houses?


Hans Christian Andersen lived on this street!

4. What made you start blogging?

I started blogging because, for mental health reasons, I am currently unable to work. That means I have a lot of free time during the day, so I thought it would be a good exercise to write down my thoughts and see what happens. So far so good!

5. Who would you say is your greatest influence or idol?

This is a tricky one. I’m going to say my big sister – I’ve always looked up to her (although I physically look down on her which she hates) and wish I could be more like her. She works incredibly hard and never makes a fuss.

6. What is your favourite movie and why?

Whyyyy must you do this to me! I have so many movies that I love. It really depends on my mood. I can’t just pick one, but if I had to pick a genre for the rest of eternity I think it would be musicals – The Phantom of the Opera, My Fair Lady, The Sound of Music, Into the Woods… even Pitch Perfect! I can’t possibly choose just one. Also, I am a grown woman I promise, but I have a terrible weakness for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Don’t judge me.

7. What cheers you up when you’re having a bad day?

I absolutely love baking, and particularly decorating cakes/cupcakes etc. It always cheers me up. On that note, please let me know if you’d like to see some baking posts on here because I would be more than happy to oblige! Here’s a cake I made for a friend a few years ago… anybody recognise this little munchkin?

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8. Why did you choose this name for your blog?

I go back and forth on whether I like my blog name. Sadaptation is obviously a bit of a word mash-up, and basically I chose it because my aim right now is to adapt to my feelings instead of trying to force them away. Tell me in the comments if you think I should change it, I value your opinions!

9. What three words do you think best describe yourself?




10. What do you like to do most in your spare time?

Baking, reading, going to the cinema, and anything involving food.

11. Lastly, which do you prefer: tea or coffee?

Tea 100%. I have a cup of coffee about once a month, but I have a cup of tea approximately 327 times a day.

And now I nominate…

My questions for you are:

1. Which country are you from and what do you like best about it?

2. Favourite band/musician and favourite song by them?

3. Do you have any pets and if yes what are they called?

4. What is the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

5. If you go back in time or forward in time, which would you pick and what time period would you visit?

6. Who inspires you?

7. What would you grab first if your house was on fire (all people are safe, just objects are at risk)?

8. What is your favourite season and why?

9. Favourite sound?

10. Favourite book or author?

11. How did your blog get its name?


I’m looking forward to reading your answers, and please tell me in the comments if you participated so I can see what you wrote!

All my love,



7 thoughts on “Liebster Award!

  1. I loved reading your answers! I think some baking posts would be pretty awesome! I love to bake as well, but I don’t have those kind of skills. That cake looks professional! I like your blog name, but I think it should be whatever you want it to be. It’s your blog, and it should reflect who you are and what direction you wish to take it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! Haha that cake was genuinely the only semi-professional looking one I’ve made, most of them are pretty slapdash 😛 I’ll definitely do some baking posts in the future! What kind of stuff do you enjoy baking? Thanks for your feedback on the name too, I’m still deciding if I like it but for the while it can stay. Hope you’re enjoying your day, thanks for commenting! x

      Liked by 1 person

      • I love making cakes (Battenberg cake is my favourite to make), scones…pretty much anything, really. But my specialty is ordinary chocolate chip cookies, haha. I’ve made them so many times that I’ve ironed out all the wrinkles and am always happy with how they turn out. I’ve thought about my name too, especially since I’m not just doing literary analysis anymore.

        By the way, I absolutely love your icon!


        • Oh I’ve never made Battenberg, is that the one with the four squares? I remember it being mentioned in “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime”. (Have you read that? I recommend it if not!) I think chocolate chip cookies are my favourite too, I wonder if we have similar recipes or totally different haha. I love your name, I think it’s great. Oh and thank you, I saw you had commented to someone else saying where you made yours and I had to check it out! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

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