Mood Music

Hey guys! I’m trying to write a bit more often on here because I tend to get a little rusty on ideas when I only post once or twice a week. The daily prompt is proving very useful to me for this purpose! Today’s prompt is Music so I thought I would share a little list of some of my favourite songs. Music is such a powerful and therapeutic tool for mental health, and I find that it can lift my mood faster than anything else. When I find myself in a slump, often the most helpful thing I can do for myself is put some music on and sing along (if you can call my screeching “singing”).


This is what I look like when I sing. Audrey gets me. Image source: Blogspot

So without further ado, here are some of my absolute favourite songs to blast at full volume. (A warning: I have EXTREMELY antiquated taste in music. Most of the songs listed are not from this decade… read on if you can bear it!) Continue reading

The Fault In Our Scars

13115613_10153966670146154_1795868006_nToday’s daily prompt, Scars, has come at the perfect time for me. I’ve been worrying a lot lately that my writing takes mental health troubles too lightly. That people may resent me for trying to make my posts more cheerful than they should be. A very vain and insecure part of me also worries that people won’t believe me when I say I’m depressed, because I can never seem to convey it in my writing. With that in mind, I feel compelled to explain why I choose to keep a lighthearted feel to my blog, even while discussing something as big and black and slow and soul-destroying as depression. I want to talk a little about the thousands of scars, visible and invisible, that cover my body and yours. I want to talk about what those scars mean to me. Continue reading

Laughing Disease: An Anecdote


Super fashionable me as a toddler, before laughing disease took over.

Hey guys! I haven’t yet participated in the Daily Prompt exercise, but today’s prompt – “Giggle” – brought back such a vivid memory that I just felt like sharing it. Hope you enjoy this little snippet from my childhood 🙂

When I was a little girl, I diagnosed myself with “laughing disease”. At least three times a day, I would suddenly become seized by a vicious attack of the giggles, rendering me a useless, wobbling heap on the floor as my body shook with silent laughter. Continue reading