A Week of News & Buckets of Gratitude!

Untitled (2)

You are all the sunshine in my day!

Hey my lovelies! I’ve been a bit of a WordPress slacker this week, so I’m sorry for taking so long to respond to your lovely comments and catch up on all your wonderful posts!

Three things have happened this week which have contributed to my AWOL-ness (hey, it’s a word. Shush.), so I thought I’d share them with you here. This is a pretty random post but I just want to give an explanation so you don’t think I’ve been ignoring you! There’s someone I’d like to personally thank at the end of this post, so be sure to check that out. Continue reading

Return of the Dread-i

(I’m so sorry. That was terrible. Take as long as you need to cringe, I’ll just wait here).

Ok, all done? I can’t believe you stayed. Give yourself a round of applause for being so tolerant of my awful humor. You are truly a saint. So anyway, why have I chosen THE worst pun in the history of terrible puns as today’s title? Because the worst day of the year is swiftly approaching, and my dread is gurgling more noisily in my chest with every passing day.

May 28th. My birthday.


Astoundingly detailed artwork by yours truly. Just call me Fran Gogh.

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